In 2020 we experienced what our Latin ancestors called "annus horribilis": the year that will be perennially remembered as the year of the COVID pandemic.

The Famous Gold Horn Charm and other Italian amulets really bring good luck?

Today we'll speak about the "Bel Paese" lucky charms with a special focus on the Italian Horn Necklace in gold.

In a previous beautiful blog article, my mother told you the story of the coral horn, ending her arguments with an ironic “it's not true, but I believe in it!”.

It is precisely the meaning of this article: we are the first to say that everyone is the creator of his/her own luck, but what harm can it do to make friends with fate? Maybe it will be the right time!

Italy and the Neapolitan superstition

Since Roman times, we, Italians, have been lovers of chasing amulets because, let's face it, we are a bit superstitious and our magical center is certainly Naples.

Here are the amulets that have marked Italian tradition.

Cornicello Necklace
Gold Horn Italian Charm for Necklace

Genuine 18 kt/750% yellow Italian gold horn (the so called "cornetto" o "cornicello") pendant for a chain or your lucky charm bracelet.

Gold Italian Horn

Traditional Italian amulets

Today I will tell you in a "politically incorrect" way, and without useless modesty, the truest meaning of

Coral Good Luck Horn

Gold Horn against Evil Eye

Horned hand

The “Figa” Good Luck Pendant

The hunchback

The Coral Good Luck Horn and the Gold Horn against Evil Eye

The meaning of the two amulets is very similar but the materials are different.

Let's start with the traditional coral horn called cornicello!

Meaning of this Magic Amulet

Let's try to clear things up and see what they have in common. First of all it is a horn not a chili pepper, thing that many get wrong.

The cornetto is undoubtedly a (phallic) symbol of fertility and therefore a good omen and has its origins from its ancestor: the cornucopia! 

Cornucopia literally means "horn of plenty" and Italian Horn Jewelry talks about wealth and ealth!

Abundance and fertility are often represented by Western iconography with a woman holding a horn overflowing with fruit and flowers in her arms.

The Coral Good Luck Horn 

In my opinion it is the most traditional one, because it marries the concept of lucky charm with a totally Italian material: red coral. I will tell you more: the red horn has magical meanings, since its color recalls the blood that has always been synonymous with well being. In Italy there is even a proverb that says: "red wine makes good blood".

Blood is therefore essential for the well being of every person. I will give you one last though: think of a coral branch; doesn't it remind you of the human circulatory system? Think about it!

In Italy everything has historical or mythological roots and by understanding them, everything takes on a more complete meaning!

Cornicello Necklace
Genuine Horn with Red Italian Coral

Genuine Red Italian Coral Horn for your Lucky Charm Bracelet.

Red Coral Horn

Gold Horn against Evil Eye 

The 18 karat gold Italian horn is nothing more than an evolution of the red horn with materials considered even more precious (although sometimes coral costs more than the coveted yellow metal). The gold horn like the red version is traditionally effective against the "evil eye" and "jinxing".

In this case, the precious material, traditionally associated with wealth, would amplify its thaumaturgical power.

Horned hand Amulet

Another version is the hand making the horns: doubled power since there are two horns in this case!

Cornicello Necklace
Hand Charm Manocorno in Gold

Powerfull Italian Charm against Evil Eye: Gold Hand with 2 Horns - Genuine 18 kt yellow gold talisman that will keep the bad fortune away from you .

Gold Hand Charm Mano Corno

The “Figa” Good Luck Pendant

What is it? It is an amulet in the shape of a small hand closed, with the thumb enclosed between the index and middle finger.

Figa is a lucky charm present in various cultures and in Italy it is called "mano fico" because the position of the hand is very reminiscent of this fruit. 

For the ancient Romans this fruit represented the female sexual organ and was therefore associated with fertility and abundance. In practice, it is the alter ego of the phallic symbol of the horn.

The materials: once again gold and coral to encourage the multiplication of the beneficial effects of the amulet.

Cornicello Necklace
Hand Figa Red Coral Gold

Red italian HAND in coral (the so called "figa"), traditional italian red coral's hand that grab luck.

Hand Figa in Red Coral

The hunchback (O’ Scartellato) goes with the horn 

The Hunchback Charm: having the “scartello” means having a hump.

The word derives from the Greek "kartos" which in ancient Neapolis (once again Naples) indicated the basket that was believed to be full of precious objects and therefore a harbinger of well being.

This speech reminds you by chance of the "cornucopia" we were talking about earlier?

Here the “scartello” the person bent and humped under the basket, has become a traditional symbol that people want to touch to get some of that good luck.

Do you want a lucky number? For the "Neapolitan grimace" the hunchback corresponds to the number 57 and chases away all troubles!

Often the hunchback is represented on the top of the lucky horn or holds a horn in his hand. The meaning: simply a fortune raised to the square!

You are free to do as you wish, but for me a little luck never hurts so ... it won't be true, but I believe in it!

On the other hand, mom is always right 

I will leave you with the biggest hug in the world

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