The Jewel of Lolita Lobosco | The New Italian Fashion

There is no denying that since its release on TV back in 2021, the successful series "The Investigations of Lolita Lobosco" immediately entered the hearts of Italians, triggering a real Lolita-Mania in the ladies of our beautiful country. It is no coincidence that our customers' requests for this jewel have been growing exponentially, and I felt compelled to tell you about it.

The character of Gabriella Genisi's novels is a deputy inspector in Bari who in a purely male working environment does not give up her femininity, which, on the contrary, is enhanced by the low-cut dresses worn casually and the elegant stiletto heels of the always iconic Louboutins.

Let's be clear, it is not exhibition, it is simply conscious affirmation of being a woman in a difficult context.

Red Coral Lips
Red Coral Lips in Red Coral Necklace

Handmade REd Mediterranean CoralLips set ingold 18 kt.

Red Italian Coral Lips

What Necklace Lolita Lobosco Wears

In the highly successful Rai television series, Lolita Lobosco, played by the talented and elegant Luisa Ranieri, wears a thin gold necklace with a feminine red coral mouth in the center.

It is no coincidence that the actress originally from Naples wears an iconic jewel of Neapolitan tradition. In fact, "corallium rubrum" has been worked for centuries in the Neapolitan jewelry industry and by our company in particular.

The Neapolitan actress perfectly casts herself in character and totally embodies the Italian beauty model: she is, if you will, the evolution of the famous tea commercial that, at the beginning of the 2000s, saw her perform the iconic "Antò fa caldo ...Antonio it's hot"  "

What This Jewel Symbolizes

It is a jewel that speaks of Italy in every aspect, it is a necklace that speaks of the Mediterranean and the South, of Bari and Naples at the same time.

I would like to say this: it is a necklace that, without a shadow of a doubt, speaks of True Made in Italy.

Those who have been reading us for some time know that for Eredi Jovon this aspect is essential.

Somehow the mouth could even be associated with the millennial cornet with which it shares the apotropaic properties of coral, the desire to be auspicious like an amulet and the color red which, after all, is the color dedicated to the beauty of life. 

The half-open mouth seems about to snap a sensual kiss, but it is those same lips that speak of every woman, her silences, her smiles, what is in her heart.

This is why lips do not only speak of sensuality but embrace the essence and sacredness of every woman in all respects: a woman is lover but also mother, sister and friend ... and this, only women will understand me, is still a really reductive description.

Who created Lolita Lobosco's necklace?

The coral mouth has been made in Torre del Greco and mounted on various types of jewelry for many, many years, perhaps as many as 100!

Its diffusion to the general public, however, is thanks to the TV Series, which cleverly combined an iconic jewel of Naples with an 'actress who bravuraly embodies the canons of Mediterranean beauty.

In my opinion never was the choice more apt!

How is the necklace with the Mouth made?

You know how we think: for us, this necklace must be made of genuine Italian red coral and possibly mounted in gold.

Everyone is then free to buy (consciously) the product they prefer.

However, I can tell you how we make this jewelry and how we guarantee it for quality and materials.

As you may know, our family is authorized by ASSOCORAL to issue Certificates regarding Italian red coral. Here is a FAC-SIMILE of one of our certificates.

Each of our necklaces is therefore UNIQUE and CERTIFIED!

How these lips are made by Eredi Jovon

The branch is cut and, as a first shape, made rhomboidal and then carved by the skilled hands of Lello and Sandro. Once the lips are created they are polished with special brushes that make it shiny and special.

The mouth, once passed our first quality control passes into the hands of Uncle Nunzio who creates an ad hoc gold structure, providing a generous back support in order to keep the jewel safe and unchanged over time .

At the end of the process the mouth is fitted by Antonio with a secure 18 kt gold necklace with the possibility of extension.

Our model is thus:

  1. In genuine Italian red coral of the highest quality
  2. With a solid Gold setting that is virtually indestructible
  3. With an extensible chain that fits every moment and every occasion (for your décolletage or over your favorite sweater)

I leave you with what has become our all-time greeting by inviting you to download our Made in Italy jewelry guides, they are free and will give you lots of "tips" as my sons say.

The biggest hug in the world

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